9 Solway Road, Saugerties NY, 12477
tel.(718) 232-3050 (October-May),
tel.(845) 246-4021 (June-September)

Call us at:

òåë. (718) 232-3050
– from all States
òåë. (215) 780-5406
– from Philadelphia, PA
òåë. (617) 208-7917
- from Boston, MA
òåë. (773) 340-8756
- from Chicago, IL
òåë. (845) 246-4021
- in summer from all States

for the information about current
prices and room availability.

Then print out the application form presented on this site.


To Register:
Fill in the Application. For each camper, including children
You have to fill out separate application.
The completed Application and deposit –
money order mail to :

Camp-Resort "SKAZKA"
9 Solway Road,
Saugerties, NY 12477
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